You can download the data on our products including catalogs and pamphlets from below.
Manual Programmer K5000(1.23MB)
Manual Programmer Y3000-4(426KB)
Manual Programmer Y3000-8(1.45MB)
Manual Programmer Y3000-16(463KB)
Automatic Programming System WH-582(1.09MB)
Tabletop Automatic Programming System PH-Wmini(0.99MB)
About the initial device support, please refer to the page “Device Support System” and "Inquiry Form"
If you consider purchasing our products, please contact us directly using the “Inquiry Form” or refer to our distributor.
Please check “Business Links” to find our distributors.
Please note that some distributors do not deal with all of our products.
Annual calibration is recommended for safety purposes including the precaution against troubles.
Annual calibration is recommended for safety purposes including the precaution against troubles.
Please check “Guidance of Calibration” here.
Wave Technology Co., Ltd. delivers online information about our products, device supports etc.
If you like to receive our email news, please contact us using the”inquiry form.”
Please note that our competitors are not subject to this service.
The list of news release is available here. o the page ”Details”
Please contact us using the “inquiry form” if you have any questions on our products, sales etc.
Wave Technology Co., Ltd. stopped all services, including sales and support, with regard to Y1000 on 2012. Thank you very much for having patronized Y1000 for a long time.